2024 Outdoor Digital Signage Trends and Solutions by Screenage

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising has been growing, and in 2023 we saw a significant increase in investment in programmatic out-of-home digital signage. As we look back on the year, it’s important to review trends and predict the future of outdoor advertising.

DOOH Screenage

In 2023, advertisers will focus more on programmatic out-of-home media, which makes media buying more targeted and efficient. This shift to programmatic buying means advertisers can reach their desired audiences in a more precise way. As a result, we are seeing greater demand for transparency and assurance in media buying. Advertisers want to ensure that their ads are displayed in the right locations and reach their target audience.

Looking ahead to 2024, we expect continued growth in programmatic out-of-home media. Advertisers will seek greater transparency and assurance in media buying, and it is important for digital signage manufacturers to provide the tools and data needed to meet these demands. This means that the role of data and analytics in outdoor advertising will become increasingly important, allowing advertisers to make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns.

At Screenage, we understand the importance of providing our clients with the tools and data they need to succeed in outdoor advertising. As a leading digital signage manufacturer, we are committed to staying on top of the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Our goal is to enable advertisers to make the most of their media buys and effectively reach their target audiences.


In addition to the rise of programmatic outdoor digital signage, we are also seeing an increased focus on creativity and innovation in outdoor digital signage. Advertisers are constantly looking for new ways to capture consumers’ attention, which has led to an increase in interactive and dynamic content. Whether through the use of augmented reality, mobile integration or other innovative technologies, advertisers are looking for new ways to engage with consumers through outdoor digital signage.

Heading into 2024, we expect this trend to continue, with advertisers continuing to push the boundaries of what's possible with outdoor digital signage. This presents an exciting opportunity for brands to create memorable and impactful experiences for consumers, and we at Screenage are committed to providing the necessary technology and support to turn these ideas into reality.

In conclusion, the world of outdoor advertising is evolving rapidly and it is important for advertisers to stay ahead of the latest trends and technologies. With the continued growth of programmatic buying, the need for transparency and assurance in media buying, and the focus on creativity and innovation, there are plenty of exciting opportunities in the outdoor digital signage space. At Screenage, we're committed to helping clients make the most of these opportunities and achieve their advertising goals in 2024 and beyond.

Embrace the future of visual communication with Screenage and witness the transformative power they offer.

Post time: Jan-18-2024